Last year was our success story in many ways. Here is a brief summary of our key achievements. Hopefully year 2019 will bring as much joy and success – happy new year!
Research visits
Exploring the World is among the most joyful things in research. Last year our group members did a lot of field work, research visits and actively attended conferences and summer schools. These are the best ways to get new knowledge and meet the right people. The visits were hoster by IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) in Austria; NASA and Columbia University in New York, USA; and Institute of Water Policy in National University of Singapore, just to name a few.
In January 2018, Aalto University awaded 18 Excellence Recognition projects that have developed innovations with potential to spread outside the academia. Our Master’s Programme won the award for Excellence in education.
“Master’s Programme has developed an ambitious and well-functioning way to educate game changers through active PDCA cycles and portfolio & mentoring process across three levels”
In addition, our Majakka project won the award for Excellence in enhancing business, design, engineering, and technology, and research-based innovations!
“New cooperation model to the doctoral education in water engineering – a pilot project.”
Click the pictures below to see the video introductions of the award winners.
ERC grant
In November, it was time to release more good news. Our Assistant professor Matti Kummu got a 2 million eur ERC grant to explore sustainable ways to meet the growing food demand. European Research Council funding highly competitive, and only 12% of the applicants received the funding. Read more on Aalto news and ERC site.

Last year was also a succesfull year for students. Juho Haapala defended his doctoral dissertation in September and several students finalized their mater theses. If you want to become a member of our research group and do your master thesis with us, please contact postdoctoral researcher Maija Taka (