Water & Development Research Group - a multi- and interdisciplinary research group
Water & Development Research Group - a multi- and interdisciplinary research group Water & Development Research Group - a multi- and interdisciplinary research group Water & Development Research Group - a multi- and interdisciplinary research group Water & Development Research Group - a multi- and interdisciplinary research group

Water Governance in Middle East and Northern Africa

Introduction: InWEnt-Capacity Building International, acting on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, has formulated a four-year Programme on Capacity Building in the Water Sector for the MENA Region, focusing in eight countries: Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine, Syria and Yemen. The regional partner for this programme is the Arab Water Council.

The main objectives of the programme include strengthening regional cooperation; facilitate the development of management strategies for the water sector in selected countries within the MENA Region in order to formulate and implement appropriate water sector reforms; establish a functional partner network; and promote awareness of policy-makers and the general public on water-related issues.

The outputs of the programme include, but are not necessarily limited to, improving the institutional performance, increasing the awareness of policy-makers of the priority issues involved, and support the development of a functional network on water issues within the Region.

TKK Water & Development Group has had an advisory role within the programme.

Researcher: Prof Olli Varis

Active: 2005 – 2010

Outcome: The outputs include policy briefs, extended forum reports and journal articles

More information: Olli Varis (firstname.lastname@aalto.fi)