Water & Development Research Group - a multi- and interdisciplinary research group Water & Development Research Group - a multi- and interdisciplinary research group Water & Development Research Group - a multi- and interdisciplinary research group Water & Development Research Group - a multi- and interdisciplinary research group Water & Development Research Group - a multi- and interdisciplinary research group

All the Aalto theses can be found from Aalto Doc.

Doctoral Theses

Virkki, V. 2024. Freshwater change in the Earth system – A qualitative-quantitative outlook and implications for planetary boundaries. Link

Ahopelto, L. 2024. Drought in Water Abundant Finland – Data and Tools for Drought Management. Link

Karvinen, M. 2024. Supporting agency for sustainability – Exploring the contributions of universities and workplaces to the sustainability competencies and agency of engineering graduates. Link

Juvakoski, A. 2024. Out of the WASH box – Towards a wider contextualization of the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector. Link

Niva, V. 2022. The interplay of environmental and social drivers of migration – A global synthesis. Link

Kinnunen, P. 2022. Resilience perspectives in global food systems – Exploring variability, localness and diversity. Link

Kallio, M. 2022. Towards more useful water information – methods for fine-scale spatial estimation. Link

Fallon, A. 2022. Keep it Complex – Critical perspectives on water governance for dynamic social–hydrological systems. Link

Heino, M. 2022. Susceptibility of global crop production to climate variability and change. Link

Lehikoinen, E. 2020.Building a more resilient Finnish food system – From import dependence towards domestic natural resource use. Link

Munia, H. 2020. Global analyses of drivers of water scarcity indicators in transboundary river basins. Link

Jalava, M. 2019. The water we eat – Methods for estimating water use of diets in changing food systems. Thesis.

Haapala, J. 2018. Governing water for local development – Solutions to implementation challenges in remote, rural Nepal. Thesis.

Kattelus, M. 2017. Framing wicked water problems: Cases from large Asian transboundary river basins. Thesis.

Porkka, M. 2016. Securing global food supplies with limited resources – Lessons from the past. Thesis.

Sojamo, S. 2016. Water-using corporations as agents of water security, management and governance – Exploring cases from stewardship initiatives in South Africa to global networks of power. Thesis.

Salmivaara, A. 2015. Spatial Vulnerability Assessments for Water Resources Management – Cases from major Asian river basins with a focus on spatial unit of analysis and the use of big and open data. Thesis.

Räsänen, T. 2014. Hydrological changes in the Mekong River Basin – The effects of climate variability and hydropower development. Thesis.

Rahman, M M. 2014. Accomplishing rural electrification for over a billion people: Approaches towards sustainable solutions. Thesis.

Stuck, V. 2011.  In search of integration : analyzing the gap between theory and practice of Integrated Water Resources Management with case studies from West Africa and international policy processes. Thesis.

Keskinen, M. 2010. Bringing back the common sense? Integrated approaches in water management: lessons learnt from the Mekong. Thesis.

Heinonen, U. 2009. Can the poor enhance poverty reduction? rural and urban perspectives on water resources, poverty & participatory development in the Tonle Sap Region and Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Thesis.

Kummu, M. 2008. Spatio-temporal scales of hydrological impact assessment in large river basins: the Mekong case. Thesis.

Master Theses

Viriyaroj, Bhattarabhop. 2024. Crop production archetype – Global analysis. Link

Westerberg, Tiia. 2024. Knowledge coproduction and participation in regional river basin management – Case from Finland. Link

Seppälä, Pihla. 2024. Compound drought types at global scale. Link

Zaahid, Mohamud. 2024. Rainfall patterns and flood risks: Developing indicators to improve Somalia’s flood preparedness. Link

De Giorgi, Emanuela. 2024. Global analysis of relative maize productivity under three different regenerative practices. Link

Kallanranta, Antti. 2024. They call it trust – Trust-building activities in Finnish-Russian transboundary water cooperation. Link

Lehikoinen, Anni. 2024. Social media network analysis in a water diplomacy case in the Blue Nile. Link

Ojala, Suvi. 2024. Ammatti-identiteetin kehittyminen opintojen ja alku-uran aikana – tapaustutkimus vesi- ja ympäristötekniikan alalta. Link

Antonini, Stefano. 2023. Climate change effects on grassland carrying capacity – A multi-model global analysis. Link

Alkio, Eero. 2023. Spatially distributed crop modelling in the Mekong river basin with AquaCrop. Link

McCrone, Anise. 2023. Nepal’s flood early warning system – Lessons learned from population surveys and interviews in the flood-prone West Rapti Basin. Link

Sparf, Lisa. 2023. Estimating impacts of flow regime changes on fisheries in the Mekong river basin. Link

Mäkelä, Juho. 2023. Future trends in freshwater planetary boundary transgressions. Link

Heikkala, Eveliina. 2023. The effects of land-use changes on forest carbon storage – The case of new building scenario 2016-2050 for the Uusimaa region. Link

Kosonen, Maria. 2023. The scaling effect of the modifiable areal unit problem in assessing the social and environmental drivers of global migration. Link

Kärppä, Jouni. 2023. Resource efficiency of agricultural sectors in Finland. Link

Saukkonen, Sara. 2023. Distance and diversity: Exploring the minimum distances to fulfil current food supply diversity. Link

Karinen, Heini. 2023. Life cycle assessment of mammalian cell culture medium with alternative compositions. Link

Ahvo, Aino. 2022. Agricultural input contributions to global crop yields. Link

Ng, Yean. 2022. Climate change effects on the climatic space and macronutrients of maize, wheat, rice and soybean. Link

Kluz, Stephanie. 2021. Flood risk modeling and analysis in suburban Freetown, Sierra Leone. Link

Hemberg, E. 2021. Monitoring and Evaluation in the Rural Water Sector in Ethiopia – case of a water project in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6. ​Link

Riikonen, M. 2021. Carbon neutrality in companies: the importance of system boundary and calculation methods in a real estate and construction expert company. Link

Seppälä I. 2021. Localisation of technology solutions – case from Kenyan water sector. Link

Heikonen S. 2021. The relationship between lake eutrophication and characteristics of the lake and its catchment. Link

Marvin, E. 2021. Policy Analysis of Ethiopia’s Rural Water Operation and Maintenance Policies. Link

Alanärä, E. 2020. The sustainability of global river systems based on sub-basin specific environmental flow envelopes. Link

Narikka, M. 2020. Climate change impacts on flooding in Grijalva-Usumacinta basin in southeastern Mexico. Link

Nguyen, T. 2020. The historical evolution of the Vietnamese food system: Case study of paddy rice. Link

Kouki, R. 2019. The effects of drought on Finnish cereal grain production. Link

Huotari, E. 2019. Water stewardship in Finnish corporations – developing a toolbox for value chain management. Link

Juvakoski, A. 2019. Solar disinfection – Missing links in technical and social effectiveness: cold temperature, endospores and technology transfer. Link

Hallikainen, E. 2019. Life cycle assessment on vertical farming. Link

Sah, R. 2019. Development and optimization of pilot plant for nutrient recovery from reject water. Link

Salminen, E. 2019. Water diplomacy – Establishing an analytical framework for water diplomacy with case studies from Central Asia and Iraq. Link

Virkki, V. 2019. The value of open-source river streamflow estimation in Southeast Asia. Link

Toiviainen, V-P. 2019. Large-scale Land Deals and Deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Link 

Said, A. 2018. Myanmar’s Renewable Energy Potential – Open source resources mapping for electrification of rural communities. Link

Niva, V. 2017. Competition of food and energy sectors over water in China – Future prospects in the context of urbanization. Thesis.

Bakic, I. 2016. How can we use design thinking as a vehicle for adolescent empowerment – Results from UNICEF project. Thesis.

Bloch, S. 2016. Calculating evapotranspiration: towards an operational Global Ecosystem Restoration Index (GERI). Thesis.

Enckell, K. 2016. The linkages of energy and water – The case of the Ili-Balkhash Basin. Thesis.

Heino, M. 2016.  The impacts of climate oscillations on food production quantity: a global analysis. Thesis.

Lindgren, V. 2016. Spatio-temporal hydro-climate variability in Finland. Thesis.

Liski, A. 2016. Evaluation of water supply service sustainability in Nepal: Using vulnerability-capacity-framework to analyze impacts of natural hazards on service functionality. Thesis.

Ylä-Soininmäki, M. 2016. Impact of connectivity on sustainable development. Thesis.

Ahlström, A. 2015. Can we cut the water footprint of Finland by changing diet? Thesis.

Juvonen, H-M. 2015. Nexus for what? Challenges and opportunities in applying the water-energy-food nexus. Thesis.

Munia, Hafsa. 2014. The role of upstream water use on water stress in transboundary river basins: a global analysis. Thesis.

Banafa, T. 2012. Estimating the change and effect of hydropower reservoirs on evaporation in monsoon climate: Case of Nam Theun 2 in Lao PDR. Thesis.

Heikinheimo, E. 2011. Four Scenarios for Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Lake in 2030 – Testing the use of scenarios in water resources management. Thesis.

Porkka, M. 2011. The Role of Virtual Water Trade in Physical Water Scarcity: Case Central Asia. Thesis.

Härkönen, S. 2009. Greenhouse gas emissions from reservoirs: assessing the net emissions. Thesis.

Kattelus, M. 2009. Planning and Management of Water Resources in Myanmar: Role of Agriculture and Hydropower. Thesis.

Nuorteva, P. 2009. Resilience and adaptation strategies of rural livelihoods in Tonle Sap area, Cambodia. Thesis.

Salmivaara, A. 2009. Current Vulnerability and Future Challenges of Water Resources in the Irrawaddy and Salween River Basins – Indicator‐Based Geospatial Analysis. Thesis.

Västilä, K. 2009. Climate Change Impacts on Floods in the Lower Mekong Floodplains: Modelling Approach for Tonle Sap Lake. Thesis.

Melkko, H. 2008. Water footprints of biofuels for transport – Finland and the EU in the year 2010. Thesis.

Liljeström, I. 2007. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamics in the Mekong Basin: Nutrient balance assessment in a catchment scale. Thesis.

Nikula, J. 2005. The lake and its people – Review and integration of hydrological, ecological and socio-economic information in the Tonle Sap Lake. Thesis.

Keskinen, M. 2003. Socio-economic survey of the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia. Thesis.

Rahaman, M.M. 2003. Water Development Principles and Realities: Finding ways to bring the two ends closer. Thesis.

Haapala, U. 2002. Urbanization and water: The Stages of Development in Latin America, South-East Asia and West Africa. Thesis.

Kajander, T. 2001. Water Resources, Large Dams and Hydropower in Asia. Thesis.

Kärkkäinen, T. 2000. Food Security Constrained by Water. Thesis.

Lahtela, V. 2000. Poverty and water. Thesis.